Sunday, November 21, 2010


I know the above heading screams of miraculous possibilities. This is not really my intention. However, this short piece is a discussion of an idea, a real and known possibility. What is one of the characteristics of suffering? From all the literature, and anecdotal experience of suffering we see that so much of suffering is phrased as a "trap". This appears to be a place that one can't get out of, a pain that one cannot escape. A bondage that is not understood, and seems unfair at best. This myopic experience is characterized where the individual cannot find the objectivity to solve the riddle of their suffering. Patterns of pain continue to repeat with no apparent cure. Watch the patterns. Even if we find the origins of the pain how do we unravel the mystery of these reoccurring patterns of suffering?
I contend, and not in a morbid way, that there is no way to understand the answer to this question. The mind that we rely on so sincerely is also bound by this mystery. In fact, the mind is a partner in crime with this mystery. However,we will continue to find temporary small relief of our suffering in little things like a change of career, a salary raise, a mate, an orgasm, a beautiful sunset, etc. These "false soldiers" really cannot protect us against the great mystery of life's suffering. So what can we do?
My thought is that we need to consult others over the centuries who have examined this problem thoroughly. Most of these individuals codified the cure in poetic, religious, or mystical language. However, the common denominator of these explorers is advising us to surrender to a higher, unknown place deep within our core. They devised technologies of breathing, formulas of sound, and stories that took our conscious awareness to a place beyond the five senses. All of these methods worked. Some more successfully than others, but all moved us along in the journey of self discovery. Surprisingly as this journey expanded we often got healthier, happier, and more vital in our interaction with others. This common experience ancient explorers explained were symptoms of the healing of suffering, but not the cure.
In India the cure is described as the realization of the nature of the individual person as eternal, full of knowledge, and naturally happy,I.E. Satchidananda Vigraha.This is the beginning place for entering the "transcendental realm" of awareness. There many other events take place, but the death of suffering is guaranteed. Listening to the wisdom of many who came before is part of the cure. Embracing a method of going within will begin the journey. The rest will happen accordingly. This is a transcendental cure that begins with one simple act of will on the part of the person who wants out of the endless cycle of suffering. In the ancient tome of India, the Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) the details of this process, and technology are explained. You will find in this process that you are forever a person,a servant(loaded word for Westerners), but now forever a peaceful, self satisfied, empowered, happy person. You will still have the responsibilities and struggle of life, but with a different vision and experience. Hope this offering is of use and helpful?

1 comment:

  1. it seems to me, suffering exists within a victim it of ones self or projected onto another. by simply deciding that is not the case, the power of suffering is then diffused.

    or i was simply done suffering.
