Sunday, November 21, 2010


I know the above heading screams of miraculous possibilities. This is not really my intention. However, this short piece is a discussion of an idea, a real and known possibility. What is one of the characteristics of suffering? From all the literature, and anecdotal experience of suffering we see that so much of suffering is phrased as a "trap". This appears to be a place that one can't get out of, a pain that one cannot escape. A bondage that is not understood, and seems unfair at best. This myopic experience is characterized where the individual cannot find the objectivity to solve the riddle of their suffering. Patterns of pain continue to repeat with no apparent cure. Watch the patterns. Even if we find the origins of the pain how do we unravel the mystery of these reoccurring patterns of suffering?
I contend, and not in a morbid way, that there is no way to understand the answer to this question. The mind that we rely on so sincerely is also bound by this mystery. In fact, the mind is a partner in crime with this mystery. However,we will continue to find temporary small relief of our suffering in little things like a change of career, a salary raise, a mate, an orgasm, a beautiful sunset, etc. These "false soldiers" really cannot protect us against the great mystery of life's suffering. So what can we do?
My thought is that we need to consult others over the centuries who have examined this problem thoroughly. Most of these individuals codified the cure in poetic, religious, or mystical language. However, the common denominator of these explorers is advising us to surrender to a higher, unknown place deep within our core. They devised technologies of breathing, formulas of sound, and stories that took our conscious awareness to a place beyond the five senses. All of these methods worked. Some more successfully than others, but all moved us along in the journey of self discovery. Surprisingly as this journey expanded we often got healthier, happier, and more vital in our interaction with others. This common experience ancient explorers explained were symptoms of the healing of suffering, but not the cure.
In India the cure is described as the realization of the nature of the individual person as eternal, full of knowledge, and naturally happy,I.E. Satchidananda Vigraha.This is the beginning place for entering the "transcendental realm" of awareness. There many other events take place, but the death of suffering is guaranteed. Listening to the wisdom of many who came before is part of the cure. Embracing a method of going within will begin the journey. The rest will happen accordingly. This is a transcendental cure that begins with one simple act of will on the part of the person who wants out of the endless cycle of suffering. In the ancient tome of India, the Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) the details of this process, and technology are explained. You will find in this process that you are forever a person,a servant(loaded word for Westerners), but now forever a peaceful, self satisfied, empowered, happy person. You will still have the responsibilities and struggle of life, but with a different vision and experience. Hope this offering is of use and helpful?

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Well, here is a timely topic. If you were alive or conscious we all remember when 911 happened. Can you remember the surrealistic nature of that moment? After all, this was America, and these things don't happen here. This kind of thing is only seen in foreign lands where they have little or no security, bad infrastructure, and uneducated simple people. A similar event was the bombing of the American marine base in Beirut Lebanon in the early nineteen eighties killing over 300 marines in their early morning sleep. The follow-up to this disaster was a total lack of action by the Regan administration after the bombing. There appeared to be no repercussions. We will never know what action was taken by the Regan administration. 300 plus highly trained U.S.Marines dead, and no response by our government. Odd?
My question is a simple question. Why have we all become expert in foreign policy and politics? Does the Internet really compensate for a real education; a higher education? I think not. Here's an amazing example. I know people who truly believe we, as a human race, are placed here by aliens. Planted, so to speak, to be harvested at a future date. Does this seem worthy of even a minute of your time? They think so because they have found others on the Internet who think this way. Does that make it valid? Does consensus really make something right? If I get a bigger number believing my way does that make my thinking valid even though there is no evidence to prove me right?
Many are now saying that the land at "Ground Zero" is hollowed. In a certain sense they have a point. This is the place where 3000 plus died, and were cremated. New York City is a very complex mix of cultures, and influences of many people worldwide mixing and nicely coexisting daily on the streets. Every block has a mix of diverse events happening side by side. This city is the only city of its kind in the world. This is not a typical American city, but a World city. A city whose annual budget is equal to a number of countries; roughly 40 billion dollars plus. Most of those killed in the attack by militant Islamic fanatics were not American citizens. Roughly about one-third were actual citizens of the United States of America. Somehow this place in downtown Manhattan is all about America and a rallying call for hatred. Hatred directed at the culture that produced those fanatical ignorant attackers. Ignoring the fact that all cultures are guilty of grave cruel acts upon others. We, as Americans, are no exception. The stupidity of this controversy around the building of an Islamic Cultural Center several blocks from Ground Zero is that a whole culture is being blamed for the actions of these few. Also, this blame is absurdly being heaped upon roughly one-third of the worlds' population who are followers of the Islamic tradition.
My interest is in who is fomenting this serious polarizing of cultures? What would be the benefit of this worldwide situation if this polarizing were successful? Also, who would benefit by such a schism of cultures worldwide? Can you answer these questions? Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet. Could this threaten some other interest group? Of course, this is an issue, and certainly of interest. Which vast natural resources(not just oil) fall within the borders of this faith and culture? This could also be of interest to the sincere researcher. These are age-old themes, and problems. However, now with the advent of the Internet and the coming together of cultures and beliefs on the "information highway" we have the possibility of a better, less sectarian, world culture. The younger generation worldwide is beginning to understand this possibility, and they will have to be the ones to implement the changeover into a world culture. Unity within diversity will be the better model for the future. This idea reflects a profound spiritual truth known in India for a very long time. "Achintya BedaBeda Tattva", I.E.inexplicably simultaneously one and yet different. Mysteriously there is no loss of identity, and yet a sense of unity beyond the differences. This allows for the diversity of human experience without having to conform to some model that excludes others. The founding fathers of the United States of America had this vision, and were careful to preserve this vision for the future avoiding a Theocracy with some exclusive idea. All were welcomed and encouraged to live peacefully without forcing their process of life on others. This is the American experiment and experience,and the only time in human history, that we know of, where this is possible. The Islamic Cultural Center is being developed to show that world the actual face of Islam, and encourage and contribute to the complex and inclusive landscape of New York City - a world city.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Well, this topic has been on my mind lately. Please allow me some time. Firstly, ENTITLEMENT. We appear to be a culture obsessively striving for entitlement in every endeavor. Incidentally, this is also a worldwide issue. More money, bigger house, more things,more 'coolness', more status, fame, beauty, power,etc. In a sense this is the opportunity that human life offers us travelers. However, there is another side to this hungry search. We endlessly hear about deadly tribal encounters among Shia and Sunni, political power struggles, religious infighting, hate crimes,etc. All of us have noticed the surliness of a civil service employee at the motor vehicle department or City Hall. It appears that everyone is attempting to secure their position in a world that is by its very nature a world of change. Today you are on top, and tomorrow I am on top. That is the record of human history. Sometimes the "top dogs" are benevolent demagogues, and sometimes not. Sometimes the achievement of bigger and better is kind to us, and sometimes not. So what is the magic that makes this striving work? The magic that equalizes the crazy need to fill the void with things and power? What is the magic that will solve the riddle? I contend that the magic ingredient is "Give Back" in equal portions. The most successful achievers are those who give back to the society that gave them the boost of success. Also, it appears that when the successful or fortunate do extend themselves in this way they have more success. One example is the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation. This effort continues to increase the fortune of the founders annually. There are many more examples. Also, it appears that those who "give back" find a happier balance in their lives. Those who don't are haunted by fear and a continued need to secure their position. The result of this fearful mentality is a callousness toward others, and a disregard of the suffering of their fellow humanity. The natural progression of this is an equal reaction within society. I.E. the French Revolution of 1789. This violence is the result of an imbalance and an overly entitled segment of society.
Recently I noticed that in every area of my own life it has become important to be watchful of this issue of entitlement without balance. Fortunately, from a young age I was encouraged to travel, participate in community organizations and volunteer when I had spare time. Somehow this gives me some small appreciation of my good fortune,and helps me realize that I am not "owed" these blessings. The minute we think that we are owed something because of our "specialness", our race, our position, our wealth, our anything, we are on the road to disaster! Read history and see the proof of this.

Now to the other side of this issue: ENLIGHTENMENT. Along with this desire to lord it over nature by various means comes the issue of "Grasping". A crude example would be if I lunged toward you you would jump back. The mystical Tibetans say that one cause of our suffering is this tendency to "Grasp" at things. If you grasp for enlightenment it will elude you. If you grasp for material things they will leave you. We all have this experience. Remember your first failed young romance? So what is this issue of "Enlightenment"? Finding the quiet place within ourselves; that place where we are the observers of our world, and not the victims of our world. Developing the mentality of gratefulness for the opportunity of this life even as humble as it may appear. Working to prepare ourselves for receiving the gifts that come our way. In this way we become fiends with the world around us, and the greater forces that move the cosmos. It is important to know that we don't need to become bereft of all good things, empty our pockets, and wander off into the wilderness poverty stricken. This "false renunciation" can have its own hubris. A hubris even more insidious than the obvious arrogance of the materialist. The dangers of piety are disastrous to the whole process of enlightenment. Just see the history of "holiness", and the disasters that followed. This is not to say that becoming "holy" is a bad thing, but be careful in the process, and have good mentors. This process of enlightenment is a creative process,and not a static process. The whole universe is ruled by a creative process. Some cultures refer to this as the work of the "Goddess". Just as the mother creates the child within her body we are created within this world. The other active principle is the fathering or male effect. The "act of will" necessary to move forward and develop our world. Thus,the male principle.
The trick is to become Enlightened in the process of Entitlement. The process of Entitlement will always be there ebbing and flowing. How we "sit" with this process is the important thing. Can we remain grateful through the process? Can we be equiposed through our life? Can we begin to develop the product of this refinement of consciousness called Love? The next event in this process is the discovery of the object of this Love. That is for another entry. Love to all.......

Sunday, June 13, 2010


This entry is a little hairy--be patient.I have noticed a pattern within the media, and among members of my local community. The idea of "safety in numbers" is being interpreted in new ways that in reality undermines the safety factor. I'll explain. My observation is that if you keep the ongoing dialogue within a particular agreeable community there is little danger to the greater society at large, and an imagined security among the like-minded. Part of this observation is clear. If we keep talking to the same people little change happens in the greater community. However, the imagined 'security' among the like-minded is the dangerous myth that glares out at me from the blogs, emails, social networking sites, etc. The apparent 'evil' ingredient is the polarizing element. We all become too isolated within our "safe" communities, and forget other factors that affect our daily lives. Politicians enjoy this grouping effect because it makes it easier for them to manipulate numbers, and anticipate results. They really never have to show their real faces;just change the mask. Can you see the danger? Notice how at political rallies in the last few decades only those who claim allegiance to the same "party talk" were admitted into the events. All others were found and ejected sometimes violently.
I have noticed a similar trend socially. In fact, this has really had a profound affect on my optimistic hope for real social change in our society. Still I refuse to surrender to the mob of complacency and conformity. Incidentally, I see this conformity even among the so-called cool, hip crowd. People can become hip today just by wearing a certain look or tattoo, etc. Little attention is paid to their words or actions initially. I have always said the "hip and groovies don't pay the bills". What I mean by this is that generally they do not foment change or support anything that will upset their status quo. They rarely support the communities they claim to believe in, and when "push comes to shove" they cave in and join the coward conformists leaving the fate of martyr to the courageous few. Don't count on the "hip and groovies" to speak up and support the cause. They never support any progressive event financially. This support traditionally comes from the educated middle class sector or the poor. Those who still have hope for a better world. People who want to add texture to their lives, and validity. The "hip and groovies" are pessimists and depressives.
I am going out on a limb here to say that today everyone can look cool, smoke pot, know the game because of the media dictum, and still not really embrace the ethical and spiritual truth of substantial change in society. I.E. greater depth and spiritual awakening. Being a "Poseur" is the norm not the exception. Its a safe place, and no one will ask you your "truth". Just be cool. However,to be fair there are many very cool people in the techno sphere, creative realm, and everywhere who appear to conform to the "hip" style of the time, but really are committed to positive change. At this time the path is unclear how to make this change happen on the larger scale globally, and not just on the national level. The new populations are thinking how to bring about global change. The Internet is their field of change. The old forms are changing, and hopefully dying along with the old institutions who are unwilling to morph into a new spiritual model integrated on the human stage where we all begin to see the commonality of experience, and appreciate the difference of experience. The Internet,"the Web", connection can do this. Notice how the entrenched governments and corporations are trying to wrangle control of the Net. We cannot allow them this field of control. China is a very sad example of this new frontier of abuse. So much greatness within China cannot be shared by the greater world because of the government control of the Internet. This is the new terrain of social change worldwide. Stop preaching to your choir and take it further. Remember the motto painted on the magic bus FURTHER (sic). Either you are on the bus or off the bus! Love to all.......

Sunday, May 23, 2010


So I was 'listening to the news today about an unlucky man who made the grade' and then couldn't find a job. Forgive me,I know; this opening is a semi-plagiarism, but it's relevant and poetically works for a lead line. Actually, I was listening to the news today (Spring 2010) and they were discussing the economic situation in Spain. Currently there is 20% unemployment in Spain, and the universities are filled with eager job aspirants. However, there aren't any jobs, and it is unlikely there will be jobs in the future. So the question arises; what is the purpose of this higher education?
The job loss phenomena is not isolated,it is worldwide. Twenty years ago when I was graduating with another degree, after going back to school, the prospect in the workplace for a plethora of job choices was dim. Now twenty years later the grim truth is glaring, but, I might add, not depressing if we keep an open mind about the goal of education. That said, let's look at the problem and the field of opportunity.
Last week I borrowed a copy of essays by the renowned Spanish speaking writer Luis Borges, and found that I easily became absorbed in his thoughts, and overwhelmed by his fund of knowledge. I couldn't help asking myself what created this man? How did he find his way in the world of scholarship and fame? I also began to take inventory of the people in my life,and their work choices over the years. This was revealing, and, for myself, encouraging. With few exceptions everyone I could think of was making their way in life in an area other than the field of their studies. Those in medicine and law were the exceptions. However, they too made choices that were creative and highly specialized in rarefied areas of their fields. Why do people not work in their area of study, or choose to specialize in far corners of a chosen field? Additionally, what happened to the rest of those who didn't specialize or didn't complete their degrees?
One example I found very interesting came from a cousin of mine who graduated from a prestigious school (Carnegie-Mellon) in the performing arts, and yet he is a very successful screenwriter and producer. Acting was his dream, but his field of vision expanded to include other areas of opportunity within that world. Another friend of mine graduated with a degree in music from a Conservatory of Music, and now works in a management position that requires a facile intellect deep in the bowels of a very important scientific research library. A multitude of friends graduated with college degrees, but almost without exception work in unrelated fields. I myself have never applied directly the knowledge base of my areas of study as a job.
So the question is: what contribution does education make to our lives, and society in general? Are the years in school about getting a job, and what are we to do now that there are few,if any, jobs? Additionally, the process for getting a job today is arduous and impersonal--a ritual of corporate hubris. A blind exercise in blind luck. Traditionally, jobs that were labor based, rudimentary, mechanical, skilled craft, support staff,etc. were found through the community grapevine, personal referral, certification guild or union "work boards". These jobs didn't require the huge expense of higher education, but were "on the job" trained positions. They were often skilled apprenticeship positions that were taught and mastered directly. Only a small percentage of the general population actually attended a college or university. Now even for the simplest entry level company position the applicant must have at least an Associates Degree in some related area. How, and why has this happened? In short, education became big business. Now too that model is threatened because the other half of the equation, jobs beyond the mortarboard, are nonexistent. This particular "house of cards" is about to tumble down. The "CASH COW" is dead. The jobs are gone. Some see this as hopeful, and an opportunity to return to a saner world. Still the question remains: What is the purpose of a "higher" education?
Also, there is a "Class" issue here that is never discussed. In a sense it is the "elephant in the room". I would like to propose a question. Why does the common man need to go to college, and how did this happen? I suggest that envy and greed could be a driving force in this history of education within the last half of the twentieth century. Historically there is a perception that "educated" people are better in some way. Not just better because they know more, but higher on the human scale. In a sense, closer to God or have access to more privilege. This last idea, privilege, is certainly true. However, when I lived in Detroit I found that the families of factory workers had a high quality of life. They were well spoken, had a home, often a boat, and a small cabin or summer house in the lake region. They had good lives, but limited formal education. What was the need?
In our confused democratic culture we have looked to some of the worst models of the past to guide us as a society. We have unconsciously embraced an "Ascending Process" that advocates climbing the ladder of success and society. We have become a nation of "social climbers" conforming to values that really were designed for a very small number of the privileged class. Metaphorically, what is the value of being on the top of a ladder that is not firmly rooted on a strong foundation? The bulk of the population is the foundation for all.
Maestro Luis Borges, poet, essayist, intellectual is the idea behind higher education. He was the exception not the rule - the Thinker. Thinking was, and is, his job. Pondering history and the human journey is his job, and by doing this he can provide us with inspiration and fine mortar to build our knowledge of this journey called Life. This is the "Descending Process" that leads to empowerment, inspiration, and knowledge equipping us for the trials of this journey. What I am proposing is not anti-intellectual as some would like to believe. I hesitate calling him a spiritual Sherpa (Tibetan mountain guides), because of the mountain climbing metaphor. However, if we are to climb the spiritual mountain we really do need to surrender to the humble knowledge of the "Sherpa" to guide us. This method is a descending process that guarantees success. I would like to share a real life story at this point if that is ok?
The very wealthy, entitled and spoiled 18 year old son of a friend of mine went on a trip to Tibet with another of his schoolmates. On their way they decided to climb Everest, the highest mountain on earth. They hired a Sherpa guide and support team to get up the mountain. This, of course, is required by law. This boy and his friend were vital, powerful young men armored with the strength of money, the best schools, and the ego reinforcement of powerful self-made fathers. As the system requires the climbers have to gradually acclimate to different altitudes stopping for so many hours and days at different heights. Finally the summit was within site and reach. Roughly a mere one hundred yards to go. It was late in the day, temperatures were falling and the boys wanted to push ahead. The Sherpa guide advised them to settle down for the evening and finish the climb the next day. They asked if they could just move up the mountain another fifty yards or so. The guide flatly stood his ground. Quietly the boys decided to camp out further up the mountain against the advice of the Sherpa. When they found a chance they grabbed their equipment and headed up the mountain. The shadow was lengthening and the extreme cold arrived with the shadow. The boys managed to climb roughly another forty yards, and then they were stopped by creeping frost bite in their feet and hands. Their core temperatures were dropping and panic stepped in. The evening winds started and darkness fell. They couldn't get back to base camp. The end was near. Fortunately, the Sherpa and his team noticed their tent missing and began a search finding the boys just in time. The boys were evacuated off the mountain and flown to the nearest hospital. Unfortunately it was too late to save the hands and feet of both boys. After many amputations they survived with a terrible tragic result. Why wouldn't these all-American boys listen to the Sherpa? Why would they think they knew better? Hubris? Yes, but there was something even more sinister afoot. I contend that their sense of entitlement was fed by all of the worst that exists in a society that feeds on the idea of power and class over substance, ignorance of history and its lessons, education over knowledge, and independence over community. This is a sad tale, but a graphic metaphor. They are the poster boys. Love to all......

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I have been unemployed for over one year. My hard earned unemployment benefits have run out. The other day I heard a Republican Senator from Kentucky interviewed. Kentucky is traditionally a Conservative Southern Democratic State. He explained that the reason unemployment benefits should not be extended (they have not, and will not be extended) is that people need to be willing to accept lower paying jobs. Actually, I was shocked by this statement. Firstly, in my part of the country there really aren't any lower paying jobs available that I can work. Even if I could get one of these fictitious jobs I would be unable to pay my bills. My unemployment benefits with my early social security just barely covers my monthly costs. I live very frugally even when employed. Actually, that isn't the real reason that I was shocked, and, I might add, angered. The arrogant tone of this "public servant", a Senator in the United States Congress, was the cause of my outrage. He took a very patriarchal position assuming that everyone, including me, can "pull ourselves up by the bootstraps" and get on with our lives. I may be able to do this, but what of those with children, a physical difficulty, an unexpected illness, overwhelming depression? Are these citizens disposable with such a callous remark? This unemployment crisis was not caused by me or the other unemployed, but by the greedy lack of oversight within an eight year parasitic administration. He went on to justify his position by saying: "what are we suppose to do....extend these benefits for another five years?". This was a dramatic exaggeration made to rationalize his callousness. I, for one, was not convinced. The cost of extending benefits for the unemployed is a drop in the bucket. The issue is that this money is earmarked from the "Stimulus Money Fund", and that is the issue. The "Stimulus" money is the buzz word that sends a message to the far right: OBAMA'S TAKEOVER. This Senator was willing to sacrifice honest sincere unemployed citizens for some cheap didactic neo-religious political ideal. He plays parent so that his "children followers" (voters) will think he is a good Dad, and take care of them in the future. He is actually giving them essentially, a "post dated check" that allows him to stay in the comfortable position of a United States Senator while even those in his economically depressed state of Kentucky suffer. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!! These guys are rotten, and care nothing for your welfare. Vote them out, and make your voice heard. Kick them out! The money is there. This is a blatant manipulation keeping you in fear. Reinvent yourselves, but never forget these monsters.

Monday, April 26, 2010


While getting ready this morning I was listening to the daily news,and following my morning routine. It has occurred to me for sometime that I need to address an issue that is profoundly in the forefront of so much of our collective cultural history. Our President, Barak Obama was giving a eulogy for the miners lost in the West Virginia mine explosion. I was moved by his words, and sincere intention. I listened closely beyond the words attempting to hear his real voice. There it was, loud and clear. A sincere man again performing another impossible task; comforting the grief stricken struggling miners'families. Forgive me, but I couldn't help my mind from wandering back to the Katrina disaster, and the apparent lack of response and real concern of our President, George W. Bush at the time. Of course, this could just be a style issue, and I want to give the past some slack, but how can I honestly compare the quality of these two men without serious questions? So I have decided not to make 'odious' comparisons for this piece. Instead I will look at the nature of recent abusive speech, criticism, and judgment thrown at our current President Barak Obama after only one year in office.
How is it that from almost the beginning of his term in office every harsh, cruel, and patently mean-spirited epithet known has been thrown his way. After all, remember he walked into the White House inheriting a catastrophe beyond any one's expectation. A culture virtually stripped of its opulence by wolves of greed in less than a decade. The greater population laboring under 21st century corporate feudalism. A catastrophic health crisis where children are expected, for the first time in our history, to live shorter lives than their parents. Why has he been singled out as the cause, or even, the contributor to this mess? How is it that this one man has galvanized the extreme radicals of the right and the media personalities so effectively and dramatically?
Here is where I would like ALL OF US to dig deep into our hearts, and courageously see if there might be a dark vein deep within the mine of our collective unconscious that is like a putrid underground river buried under the great weight of history? A pattern that appears in all the worlds' cultures one way or the other. A tribal trait that no longer is useful to our advancement. The United States of America is probably the only culture on earth that has the means, legally and socially, to effectively transcend these old patterns. Of course, they will have to be replaced by new patterns. Let's hope we know how to do this. I think we can. What am I trying to say? Here it is-THE SUBTEXT. We are a racist culture, and the subtext of the cruel attacks on our President are of a racist nature. We are, even the best of us, white or of color, conditioned to act in racist ways. This we can, and must look at, and stop by a conscious intentional choice when thinking, speaking and acting. This is active meditation that will yield a great result. Practice routing out your racial, and other prejudicial thoughts. All actions begin from a thought. My Guru referred to this body consciousness as the "skin disease". Once, in New York, he was asked by an african american why so many of his disciples were white implying there was some favoritism. My Guru replied, "I am the Guru, and I am black". I.E. what is your problem?
Of course, there are valid criticisms of any politician in public office, and that is the playing field of this breed of humans, but baseless attacks are of another nature. Can you see this? Discuss the subtext. Please try, and share the power of introspection everywhere !!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Not long ago a longtime close friend of mine exploded in a fit of rage that had been building for some time. With a minor provocation he launched into a detailed dismantling of our friendship based on the premise that I was a "know it all" and "unable to accept criticism". Of course, this was very painful and unexpected. This close friend was someone whom I trusted fully not to lightly judge me, and someone who I was completely unselfconscious around. The wound is still fresh and the scar will remain. This event began me thinking about how it is that I was accused of being a "know it all" when, in fact, I can never remember having a truly original thought? Yes, that's true-never! I tried to explain at the time of this traumatic assault that I only wanted to share my experiences of life with others so that they might find some value within these stories. Of course, I am not free of pride, and possibly that was the offense?
Now I know for some of you sharing the thought that I have never had an original thought would seem embarrassing. Or, at the least, a taboo confession. However, I confess this,and assert the truth of this from my experience.
My first career was as a journalist. Actually, I aspired to be a journalist, but later realized that I had other interests and moved on from a job at the New York Times to my own short term as publisher of my own small newspaper. This was very uneventful and unsuccessful,I must add. My interest in journalism came from an insatiable thirst for information. Later on this thirst became a thirst for knowledge. At that point I began my journey of the heart, and traveled, meditated, chanted,read,etc. One day while sitting quietly slightly bored and wondering how I was going to entertain myself for the rest of the day I began to take count of my teachers (mundane and sacred), sources of knowledge, books,friends,music, beliefs, influences,etc. This amalgam of ideas I have been fortunate to explore I recognized as the raw ingredients of my intellect. At that moment I realized that all the ideas that I claim as mine are a profound mixture of all these influences. So, in this moment of insight and, I should add, subtle crisis, where was the original, individual thought? Where was my original contribution? Certainly this journey of life was not for nothing? What was the value of experience? Our ability to communicate is not all the wiser by being silent as some seem to believe. One teacher of mine used to say that 'the fool is revealed when he speaks, and that is why these rascals remain silent to fool others'. So how do we find value and originality in our friendships,family, community, nations, etc?
This quest became my passion. Where is the original thought, the original creativity? In the arts the expression is through the medium, and yet still the actual product is confined by rules or tangible (metal,stone,oil,etc.) limits. Music, another art, expresses through tradition,notation,instruments,cultural patterns,etc. So where is the original thought?
Finally, after much anxiety and observation a light began to shine within my mind. The nature of original thought is expressed by an "inspired impulse". It is a rich recipe of raw materials from many sources, but brewed through the agency of an "inspired impulse". Sometimes this is seen as a narrative voice, a painting, sculpture,musical innovation,a variety of mediums. What makes these thoughts or expressions fresh, and seemingly original is the "impulse" that generates the idea. The saying that there is "nothing new under the sun" is somewhat shallow and simplistic. What is new under the sun is the "inspired impulse" that moves the individual to tell a story, create a work of art or music, love the unloved, build kingdoms,create iphones, etc. That "inspired impulse" is the mystery. That is what we all try to give to others. Sometimes successfully and sometimes not successfully. This is also the abode of the lesson. Even very successful people will tell you of many lessons they learned after having an "inspired impulse". In many ways these stories of success mirror the seemingly unsuccessful stories of other individuals. I.E."failure is the pillar of success".
Although, sadly I have let down my good friend by my bad creative storytelling,"unbecoming behavior", and apparently made a fool of myself among our mutual friends I have again encountered that mysterious "inspired impulse". Once again my inner teacher keeps 'kicking my ass' until I get it right. Will I ever learn is the greater question? We will see because that is the road on this adventure !