Thursday, September 16, 2010


Well, here is a timely topic. If you were alive or conscious we all remember when 911 happened. Can you remember the surrealistic nature of that moment? After all, this was America, and these things don't happen here. This kind of thing is only seen in foreign lands where they have little or no security, bad infrastructure, and uneducated simple people. A similar event was the bombing of the American marine base in Beirut Lebanon in the early nineteen eighties killing over 300 marines in their early morning sleep. The follow-up to this disaster was a total lack of action by the Regan administration after the bombing. There appeared to be no repercussions. We will never know what action was taken by the Regan administration. 300 plus highly trained U.S.Marines dead, and no response by our government. Odd?
My question is a simple question. Why have we all become expert in foreign policy and politics? Does the Internet really compensate for a real education; a higher education? I think not. Here's an amazing example. I know people who truly believe we, as a human race, are placed here by aliens. Planted, so to speak, to be harvested at a future date. Does this seem worthy of even a minute of your time? They think so because they have found others on the Internet who think this way. Does that make it valid? Does consensus really make something right? If I get a bigger number believing my way does that make my thinking valid even though there is no evidence to prove me right?
Many are now saying that the land at "Ground Zero" is hollowed. In a certain sense they have a point. This is the place where 3000 plus died, and were cremated. New York City is a very complex mix of cultures, and influences of many people worldwide mixing and nicely coexisting daily on the streets. Every block has a mix of diverse events happening side by side. This city is the only city of its kind in the world. This is not a typical American city, but a World city. A city whose annual budget is equal to a number of countries; roughly 40 billion dollars plus. Most of those killed in the attack by militant Islamic fanatics were not American citizens. Roughly about one-third were actual citizens of the United States of America. Somehow this place in downtown Manhattan is all about America and a rallying call for hatred. Hatred directed at the culture that produced those fanatical ignorant attackers. Ignoring the fact that all cultures are guilty of grave cruel acts upon others. We, as Americans, are no exception. The stupidity of this controversy around the building of an Islamic Cultural Center several blocks from Ground Zero is that a whole culture is being blamed for the actions of these few. Also, this blame is absurdly being heaped upon roughly one-third of the worlds' population who are followers of the Islamic tradition.
My interest is in who is fomenting this serious polarizing of cultures? What would be the benefit of this worldwide situation if this polarizing were successful? Also, who would benefit by such a schism of cultures worldwide? Can you answer these questions? Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet. Could this threaten some other interest group? Of course, this is an issue, and certainly of interest. Which vast natural resources(not just oil) fall within the borders of this faith and culture? This could also be of interest to the sincere researcher. These are age-old themes, and problems. However, now with the advent of the Internet and the coming together of cultures and beliefs on the "information highway" we have the possibility of a better, less sectarian, world culture. The younger generation worldwide is beginning to understand this possibility, and they will have to be the ones to implement the changeover into a world culture. Unity within diversity will be the better model for the future. This idea reflects a profound spiritual truth known in India for a very long time. "Achintya BedaBeda Tattva", I.E.inexplicably simultaneously one and yet different. Mysteriously there is no loss of identity, and yet a sense of unity beyond the differences. This allows for the diversity of human experience without having to conform to some model that excludes others. The founding fathers of the United States of America had this vision, and were careful to preserve this vision for the future avoiding a Theocracy with some exclusive idea. All were welcomed and encouraged to live peacefully without forcing their process of life on others. This is the American experiment and experience,and the only time in human history, that we know of, where this is possible. The Islamic Cultural Center is being developed to show that world the actual face of Islam, and encourage and contribute to the complex and inclusive landscape of New York City - a world city.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Well, this topic has been on my mind lately. Please allow me some time. Firstly, ENTITLEMENT. We appear to be a culture obsessively striving for entitlement in every endeavor. Incidentally, this is also a worldwide issue. More money, bigger house, more things,more 'coolness', more status, fame, beauty, power,etc. In a sense this is the opportunity that human life offers us travelers. However, there is another side to this hungry search. We endlessly hear about deadly tribal encounters among Shia and Sunni, political power struggles, religious infighting, hate crimes,etc. All of us have noticed the surliness of a civil service employee at the motor vehicle department or City Hall. It appears that everyone is attempting to secure their position in a world that is by its very nature a world of change. Today you are on top, and tomorrow I am on top. That is the record of human history. Sometimes the "top dogs" are benevolent demagogues, and sometimes not. Sometimes the achievement of bigger and better is kind to us, and sometimes not. So what is the magic that makes this striving work? The magic that equalizes the crazy need to fill the void with things and power? What is the magic that will solve the riddle? I contend that the magic ingredient is "Give Back" in equal portions. The most successful achievers are those who give back to the society that gave them the boost of success. Also, it appears that when the successful or fortunate do extend themselves in this way they have more success. One example is the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation. This effort continues to increase the fortune of the founders annually. There are many more examples. Also, it appears that those who "give back" find a happier balance in their lives. Those who don't are haunted by fear and a continued need to secure their position. The result of this fearful mentality is a callousness toward others, and a disregard of the suffering of their fellow humanity. The natural progression of this is an equal reaction within society. I.E. the French Revolution of 1789. This violence is the result of an imbalance and an overly entitled segment of society.
Recently I noticed that in every area of my own life it has become important to be watchful of this issue of entitlement without balance. Fortunately, from a young age I was encouraged to travel, participate in community organizations and volunteer when I had spare time. Somehow this gives me some small appreciation of my good fortune,and helps me realize that I am not "owed" these blessings. The minute we think that we are owed something because of our "specialness", our race, our position, our wealth, our anything, we are on the road to disaster! Read history and see the proof of this.

Now to the other side of this issue: ENLIGHTENMENT. Along with this desire to lord it over nature by various means comes the issue of "Grasping". A crude example would be if I lunged toward you you would jump back. The mystical Tibetans say that one cause of our suffering is this tendency to "Grasp" at things. If you grasp for enlightenment it will elude you. If you grasp for material things they will leave you. We all have this experience. Remember your first failed young romance? So what is this issue of "Enlightenment"? Finding the quiet place within ourselves; that place where we are the observers of our world, and not the victims of our world. Developing the mentality of gratefulness for the opportunity of this life even as humble as it may appear. Working to prepare ourselves for receiving the gifts that come our way. In this way we become fiends with the world around us, and the greater forces that move the cosmos. It is important to know that we don't need to become bereft of all good things, empty our pockets, and wander off into the wilderness poverty stricken. This "false renunciation" can have its own hubris. A hubris even more insidious than the obvious arrogance of the materialist. The dangers of piety are disastrous to the whole process of enlightenment. Just see the history of "holiness", and the disasters that followed. This is not to say that becoming "holy" is a bad thing, but be careful in the process, and have good mentors. This process of enlightenment is a creative process,and not a static process. The whole universe is ruled by a creative process. Some cultures refer to this as the work of the "Goddess". Just as the mother creates the child within her body we are created within this world. The other active principle is the fathering or male effect. The "act of will" necessary to move forward and develop our world. Thus,the male principle.
The trick is to become Enlightened in the process of Entitlement. The process of Entitlement will always be there ebbing and flowing. How we "sit" with this process is the important thing. Can we remain grateful through the process? Can we be equiposed through our life? Can we begin to develop the product of this refinement of consciousness called Love? The next event in this process is the discovery of the object of this Love. That is for another entry. Love to all.......