Sunday, May 16, 2010


I have been unemployed for over one year. My hard earned unemployment benefits have run out. The other day I heard a Republican Senator from Kentucky interviewed. Kentucky is traditionally a Conservative Southern Democratic State. He explained that the reason unemployment benefits should not be extended (they have not, and will not be extended) is that people need to be willing to accept lower paying jobs. Actually, I was shocked by this statement. Firstly, in my part of the country there really aren't any lower paying jobs available that I can work. Even if I could get one of these fictitious jobs I would be unable to pay my bills. My unemployment benefits with my early social security just barely covers my monthly costs. I live very frugally even when employed. Actually, that isn't the real reason that I was shocked, and, I might add, angered. The arrogant tone of this "public servant", a Senator in the United States Congress, was the cause of my outrage. He took a very patriarchal position assuming that everyone, including me, can "pull ourselves up by the bootstraps" and get on with our lives. I may be able to do this, but what of those with children, a physical difficulty, an unexpected illness, overwhelming depression? Are these citizens disposable with such a callous remark? This unemployment crisis was not caused by me or the other unemployed, but by the greedy lack of oversight within an eight year parasitic administration. He went on to justify his position by saying: "what are we suppose to do....extend these benefits for another five years?". This was a dramatic exaggeration made to rationalize his callousness. I, for one, was not convinced. The cost of extending benefits for the unemployed is a drop in the bucket. The issue is that this money is earmarked from the "Stimulus Money Fund", and that is the issue. The "Stimulus" money is the buzz word that sends a message to the far right: OBAMA'S TAKEOVER. This Senator was willing to sacrifice honest sincere unemployed citizens for some cheap didactic neo-religious political ideal. He plays parent so that his "children followers" (voters) will think he is a good Dad, and take care of them in the future. He is actually giving them essentially, a "post dated check" that allows him to stay in the comfortable position of a United States Senator while even those in his economically depressed state of Kentucky suffer. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!! These guys are rotten, and care nothing for your welfare. Vote them out, and make your voice heard. Kick them out! The money is there. This is a blatant manipulation keeping you in fear. Reinvent yourselves, but never forget these monsters.

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