Sunday, December 6, 2009


Many old cultures have stories of the magical tree. In ancient India there is the story of the Kalpavrksha Tree. This tree has the power to grant any wish. These trees are fully conscious-you can actually talk with them. Generally, this tree exists in a spiritual world far far beyond this material realm we live in, but some of these trees agreed to stay here and be available for fulfilling wishes. These trees are made of Chintamini; a spiritual substance that is unspoiled by any passage of time. If we had the vision we would see the trees covered with multicolored gems and the world around them sparkling with precious gems, gold and other precious material that we haven't encountered on this earthly journey. Can you see the parallel with our Christmas tree? I can. During a trip to India I visited a sequestered park surrounded by high walls that contained the fabled "desire trees". This place is so secret and sacred to the believers that there are frightful stories about misfortune that befalls those who force their way into the park without the proper humility. I was terrified before entering the park given my arrogant approach to anything that I question, and especially superstition. A friend of mine previously entered this park with the sole purpose to find a suitable husband and acquire two sons. She wandered around in a much-too-tight sari and one of the monkeys jumped her and bit her on the ass causing quite a scene among the ubiquitous monkeys and pilgrims alike. However, shortly thereafter she met her fine and talented husband and had two fine sons. One who has become a doctor and another a lawyer. Who knew? In my case my wish was ill placed. I asked for that which I already had and not that which I lacked. Thus, more of the same, and in bigger quantities. More surrender, and spiritual lessons. Oh, well. In retrospect what a stupid "goodie goodie" I was when I had the chance to fill my coffers, attain fame, or become brilliant in some field. At that time in my life I didn't know that all of this journey is spiritual, and any sincere wish that does no harm can be fulfilled by these mythical trees. Of course, the lessons will always continue to come even with the new wish. Slowly the vision will clear and the pilgrim will see the sparkle of jewels out of the corner of their eye at first. Then the inner sight becomes clearer and the beauty and opulence shines even in the dark. Have you ever walked in a dark snowy wooded landscape after a snowstorm and breathed in the cold crystalline air? Sounds strange? Not really. Sit quietly and breath deeply and try making a wish under your Xmas tree this year. Drink in the light and beauty of the decorations and sparkle. Whatever your wish I guarantee that,at the least, you will have a visionary coming year,but probably much more. In the coming year sudden moments of insight will occur filled with the light of many gems. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires,diamonds, and a host of other beautiful jewels will shine in your mind. Try this meditation and feel the security and pleasure within your Heart. You will get a glimpse of the world the ancients and many today describe as the Kingdom of God,Vaikuntha,Goloka Vrindaban,etc. You may even hear beautiful music or become inspired to write beautiful music, poetry or a kind letter. Try it....Happy Holidays....Love to all......


  1. Yesterday My son was all gangling nerves, the travails of a teenager. We went to a park behind a high wall with ancient trees and arbors, next to the house of Yves Saint Laurent in Paris. My son talked to the trees and they touched, calm ensued. it was a lovely experience. Instinct directed us to the park. Thanks for sharing this sparkling story.

  2. so glad you alerted me to this wonderful story. i certainly recognize our dear friend....many blessings
