Sunday, June 13, 2010


This entry is a little hairy--be patient.I have noticed a pattern within the media, and among members of my local community. The idea of "safety in numbers" is being interpreted in new ways that in reality undermines the safety factor. I'll explain. My observation is that if you keep the ongoing dialogue within a particular agreeable community there is little danger to the greater society at large, and an imagined security among the like-minded. Part of this observation is clear. If we keep talking to the same people little change happens in the greater community. However, the imagined 'security' among the like-minded is the dangerous myth that glares out at me from the blogs, emails, social networking sites, etc. The apparent 'evil' ingredient is the polarizing element. We all become too isolated within our "safe" communities, and forget other factors that affect our daily lives. Politicians enjoy this grouping effect because it makes it easier for them to manipulate numbers, and anticipate results. They really never have to show their real faces;just change the mask. Can you see the danger? Notice how at political rallies in the last few decades only those who claim allegiance to the same "party talk" were admitted into the events. All others were found and ejected sometimes violently.
I have noticed a similar trend socially. In fact, this has really had a profound affect on my optimistic hope for real social change in our society. Still I refuse to surrender to the mob of complacency and conformity. Incidentally, I see this conformity even among the so-called cool, hip crowd. People can become hip today just by wearing a certain look or tattoo, etc. Little attention is paid to their words or actions initially. I have always said the "hip and groovies don't pay the bills". What I mean by this is that generally they do not foment change or support anything that will upset their status quo. They rarely support the communities they claim to believe in, and when "push comes to shove" they cave in and join the coward conformists leaving the fate of martyr to the courageous few. Don't count on the "hip and groovies" to speak up and support the cause. They never support any progressive event financially. This support traditionally comes from the educated middle class sector or the poor. Those who still have hope for a better world. People who want to add texture to their lives, and validity. The "hip and groovies" are pessimists and depressives.
I am going out on a limb here to say that today everyone can look cool, smoke pot, know the game because of the media dictum, and still not really embrace the ethical and spiritual truth of substantial change in society. I.E. greater depth and spiritual awakening. Being a "Poseur" is the norm not the exception. Its a safe place, and no one will ask you your "truth". Just be cool. However,to be fair there are many very cool people in the techno sphere, creative realm, and everywhere who appear to conform to the "hip" style of the time, but really are committed to positive change. At this time the path is unclear how to make this change happen on the larger scale globally, and not just on the national level. The new populations are thinking how to bring about global change. The Internet is their field of change. The old forms are changing, and hopefully dying along with the old institutions who are unwilling to morph into a new spiritual model integrated on the human stage where we all begin to see the commonality of experience, and appreciate the difference of experience. The Internet,"the Web", connection can do this. Notice how the entrenched governments and corporations are trying to wrangle control of the Net. We cannot allow them this field of control. China is a very sad example of this new frontier of abuse. So much greatness within China cannot be shared by the greater world because of the government control of the Internet. This is the new terrain of social change worldwide. Stop preaching to your choir and take it further. Remember the motto painted on the magic bus FURTHER (sic). Either you are on the bus or off the bus! Love to all.......